Agenda item

Changes to Executive Arrangements Required under the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health and Act 2007


The Mayor stated that in accordance with council assembly procedure rule 1.15 (2), the recommendations set out in the report were deemed to have been moved and were subject to amendment only. He explained that one amendment had been received on the report.

Amendment E was moved by Councillor Fiona Colley, and formally seconded by Councillor Paul Bates.

Following debate (Councillors Nick Stanton, Dominic Thorncroft, Barrie Hargrove, Kim Humphreys, John Friary, Richard Thomas and Alison McGovern), Amendment E was put to the vote and declared to be lost.


The substantive motion was put to the vote and declared to be carried.


RESOLVED:  1.  That the draft proposals attached in Appendix A of the report for the future executive arrangements of the council be agreed.


2.  That, subject to consultation, option 1 (the strong leader model) be the preferred option for future executive arrangements.


3.  That the monitoring officer be authorised to make any necessary amendments to the draft proposals and undertake the required consultation as set out in this report.


4.  That council assembly instructs the monitoring officer, following the consultation and in consultation with the constitutional steering panel, to draw up formal proposals for future executive arrangements, advertise them and present to council assembly for approval.


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