Agenda item

Chair's announcements and community presentations



·  Community council fund, information is now available online at 


Each community council has £15,000 to support activities run by local groups for local people.


·  Olympic Capital legacy funding, closing date 29 April – please see flyer attached.


·  Residential Design Standards, supplementary planning document – consultation. An information stall will be available at the meeting.


Community presentations:


·  Opportunity for local community groups to talk about the work they do.






The chair announced:


Community Council Fund: The community council support local and community activities in the Dulwich community council area.  £15,000 of community council funding was available for local groups to apply for.  Further details were available on the website and from officers in community engagement team. An announcement on successful applicants should be heard at the June meeting.


The £2m Olympic Capital legacy funding: As part of Southwark’s commitment to a lasting legacy from the Olympics and Paralympics Games in 2012.  The invitation was for project bids on how best the capital funds could be spent.  Example to build a outdoor gym or refurbish a sports facility.  The closing date was 29 April 2011.  Website details:


Residential Design Standards: The Planning policy team are consulting on revisions to the residential design standards supplementary planning document. This includes new guidance on larger minimum dwelling sizes. The document should be  available to view in all our libraries and one stop shops and on the council's website.  All comments must be received by 5pm Thursday 2 June 2011.  Contact Alison Squires on for more information.


Mark who manages the East Dulwich Community Centre welcomed those that were at the community council meeting.  He spoke briefly about the centre and the regular after school club which operates from the site.

Supporting documents: