Agenda item

Public Question Time

Please submit your questions to the Constitutional Officer or Neighbourhood Co-ordinator.





Northcross Road Market - update


Nicky Costin from Public Realm, Southwark Environment spoke about the proposed road closure within the vicinity of Northcross Road market.  He explained that a Group of local residents and local ward councillors has been established and would meet bimonthly to consider the options on whether the road closure between 8am to 5pm on Saturdays is feasible. 


The following was noted:


  • Northcross Road market has around 25 to 30 pitches .


  • Local community representatives asked if it were possible for the licensing committee chair to meet with local residents before a formal decision is made at the committee.


  • That a full consultation which is due in six month’s time should properly address people’s concerns.


  • That details of the consultation and questionnaire should be widely publicised and known to all those concerned. 


  • Responses to the market opening on a Sunday, most were not in favour of this but preferred a more viable, thriving market on a Saturday.



Grove Vale and Lordship Lane road safety improvements - update


Matthew Hill, Public Realm, Southwark Environment provided a written response which was tabled at the meeting:


In response to the statutory consultation process relating to the implementation of the Grove Vale proposals, which include new/enhanced pedestrian crossings and raised tables, narrowing of the road and the creation of new parking bays, a petition was received, organised by the Grove Vale traders, with 800 signatures.  The petition is being presented to Cabinet on 19 April.  In response to concerns raised, the cabinet member has agreed to an amendment to the consulted design which creates one further short stay parking space on the south side of Grove Vale near the junction with Derwent Grove, as well as agreeing that the new parking bays created will be limited to short stay to encourage turnover for customers of the businesses.  Implementation will commence shortly.


A separate public consultation is due to start soon on proposed pedestrian improvements on Lordship Lane.  These improvements include the creation of two new signal controlled pedestrian crossings, one at the junction of East Dulwich Grove and one outside the Co-op store.  It is the intention that any parking lost on Lordship Lane will be compensated for with increased short-stay parking on nearby side streets.  Implementation will follow later this year, subject to the outcome of the consultation process.



A copy of this response including an update on Burbage Road is also attached at the end of the minutes.


Supporting documents: