Agenda item

Appointment of Leader and Executive, Establishment of Committee and Other Constitutional Issues


The Mayor stated that in accordance with council assembly procedure rule 1.15(2), this being an officer report, the recommendations set out in the report were deemed to have been moved and were subject to amendment only. He announced that he intended to consider each recommendation where a decision was needed separately.


The Mayor stated that he had received two nomination for recommendation 3 (election of leader), Councillors Peter John and Nick Stanton.  No further nominations were forthcoming, therefore the nomination was put to the vote and it was agreed Councillor Nick Stanton be appointed leader of the council.


Councillor Nick Stanton as the newly appointed leader of the council moved recommendation 4, his nominations for the appointment of the deputy leader and the executive members and their portfolios. The portfolios and nominations were set out in a document circulated separately to the agenda.  Councillor Kim Humphreys seconded these nominations. The nominations and portfolios were put to the vote and declared to be carried.


The leader reported on his nominations for the membership of the executive committee – major projects board. The nominations were put to the vote and declared to be carried.


The Mayor moved recommendation 6, to agree the size and composition of the other council ordinary committees, including appointments, planning, disciplinary appeals, audit and governance and corporate parenting committee. The motion was put to the vote and declared to be carried.


The Mayor moved recommendation 7, to establish community councils. The motion was put to the vote and declared to be carried.


The Mayor moved recommendation 8, to agree the size and composition of the overview and scrutiny committee. The motion was put to the vote and declared to be carried.


The Mayor moved recommendation 10 and stated that one nomination had been received for the position of chair of the overview and scrutiny committee, Councillor Fiona Colley.  No further nominations were forthcoming, therefore the nomination was put to the vote and council assembly appointed Councillor Fiona Colley as chair of overview and scrutiny committee.


The Mayor stated that one nomination had been received for the position of vice chair of the overview and scrutiny committee, Councillor Jane Salmon.  No further nominations were forthcoming, therefore the nomination was put to the vote and council assembly appointed Councillor Jane Salmon as vice chair of overview and scrutiny committee.


The Mayor moved recommendation 11, appointment of chairs and vice chairs of other committees.  The Mayor announced that he had received a number of contested nominations.  The Mayor stated that contested and vacant positions would be dealt with separately.


Chair of appointments committee: The Mayor stated that he had received two nominations for chair of the appointments committee, Councillors Peter John and Nick Stanton.  No further nominations were forthcoming, therefore the nominations were put to the vote and it was agreed that Councillor Nick Stanton be appointed as chair of the appointments committee.


Vice chair of appointments committee: The Mayor stated that he had received two nominations for vice chair of the appointments committee, Councillors Fiona Colley and Lewis Robinson.  No further nominations were forthcoming, therefore the nominations were put to the vote and it was agreed that Councillor Lewis Robinson be appointed as vice chair of the appointments committee.


Chair of disciplinary appeals committee: The Mayor stated that he had received two nominations for chair of the disciplinary appeals committee, Councillors Jelil Ladipo and Ian Wingfield.  No further nominations were forthcoming, therefore the nominations were put to the vote and it was agreed that Councillor Jelil Ladipo be appointed as chair of disciplinary appeals committee.


Chair of licensing committee: The Mayor stated that he had received two nominations for chair of the licensing committee, Councillors David Hubber and Dominic Thorncroft.  No further nominations were forthcoming, therefore the nominations were put to the vote and it was agreed that Councillor David Hubber be appointed as chair of the licensing committee.


Chair of planning committee: The Mayor stated that he had received two nominations for chair of the planning committee, Councillors James Gurling and Gordon Nardell.  No further nominations were forthcoming, therefore the nominations were put to the vote and it was agreed that Councillor James Gurling be appointed as chair of the planning committee.


Vice chair of planning committee: The Mayor stated that he had received two nominations for vice chair of the planning committee, Councillors Toby Eckersley and Gordon Nardell.  No further nominations were forthcoming, therefore the nominations were put to the vote and it was agreed that Councillor Toby Eckersley be appointed as vice chair of the planning committee.


Council assembly were asked to consider the uncontested nominations for the following:


·  Chair and vice chair of audit and governance committee

·  Vice chair of disciplinary appeals committee

·  Chair and vice chair of corporate parenting committee

·  Vice chair of licensing committee

·  To formally approve the appointment of the executive member for children’s services as the chair of the corporate parenting committee

·  Chairs and vice-chairs of the eight community councils.


The nominations were put to the vote and declared to be carried.


The Mayor announced he had received one amendment to recommendation 20. Councillor Chris Page, seconded by Councillor Peter John, moved Amendment A.


Following debate on Amendment A (Councillor Jenny Jones), Amendment A was put to the vote and declared to be lost. The clerk informed the meeting that as Amendment A was lost, Amendment C8 would now fall


Recommendation 21, the Local Government Association General Assembly allocation of representatives and votes, was put to the vote and declared to be carried.


The Mayor announced he had received one amendment to paragraph 64 – Members’ Allowances. Councillor Richard Livingstone, seconded by Councillor Paul Bates, moved Amendment B.


Following debate on Amendment B (Councillor Nick Stanton and James Gurling), Amendment B was put to the vote and declared to be lost.


The substantive motion was put to the vote and was declared to be carried.


RESOLVED:  That council assembly agreed the following in relation to the recommendations contained within the report and detailed above:


1.  That the constitutional issues for the coming municipal year be noted.


2.  That the appointment of political group leaders, deputies and whips as set out below be noted:


Liberal Democrat Group


Leader - Councillor Nick Stanton

Deputy Leader - Councillor James Gurling

Chief Whip - Councillor James Barber


Labour Group


Leader - Councillor Peter John

Deputy Leader - Councillor Alison McGovern

Chief Whip - Councillor Paul Bates


Conservative Group


Leader - Councillor Lewis Robinson

Deputy Leader - Councillor Kim Humphreys

Chief Whip - Councillor Michelle Holford.


3.  That Councillor Nick Stanton be appointed as leader of the council.


4.  That the executive and executive portfolios as set below be agreed:


Councillor Nick Stanton - Leader of the council (Chair)

Councillor Kim Humphreys - Deputy leader and housing (Vice chair)

Councillor Lisa Rajan - Children’s services

Councillor Adele Morris - Citizenship, equalities and communities

Councillor Linda Manchester- Community safety

Councillor Lewis Robinson - Culture, leisure and sport

Councillor Paul Kyriacou - Environment

Councillor David Noakes - Health and adult care

Councillor Paul Noblet - Regeneration

Councillor Tim McNally - Resources.


5.  That the major projects board be constituted and appointed as an executive committee with the membership set out below:


Councillor Nick Stanton - Leader of the council and education (Chair)

Councillor Kim Humphreys - Deputy leader and housing (Vice chair)

Councillor Lewis Robinson - Culture, leisure and sport

Councillor Paul Noblet - Regeneration

Councillor Tim McNally - Resources.


Meetings to be held every two months, and otherwise as required.


6.  That the size and composition of the council’s regulatory and other committees including appointments, planning, disciplinary appeals, audit and governance and corporate parenting committee be agreed as set out in the table below:








Committee 1 - Appointments Committee





Committee 2  - Planning Committee





Committee 3 - Disciplinary Appeals Committee





Committee 4 - Audit and Governance Committee





Committee 5 - Corporate Parenting Committee











7.  That eight community councils be established as set out in appendix B.


8.  That the size and composition of the overview and scrutiny committee as set out below be agreed:








Overview and Scrutiny Committee






9.  That it be noted that the overview and scrutiny committee (OSC) would appoint its scrutiny sub-committees.


10.  That Councillor Fiona Colley be appointed as chair of overview and scrutiny committee. 


11.  That Councillor Jane Salmon be appointed as the vice chair of the overview and scrutiny committee. 


12.  That chairs and vice-chairs for the 2009-10 municipal year be agreed as set out below:


Appointment Committee

Councillor Nick Stanton (Chair)

Councillor Lewis Robinson (Vice chair)


Audit and Governance Committee

Councillor Bob Skelly (Chair)

Councillor Richard Livingstone (Vice chair)


Corporate Parenting Committee

Councillor Lisa Rajan (Chair)

Councillor Veronica Ward (Vice chair)


Disciplinary Appeals Committee

Councillor Jelil Ladipo (Chair)

Councillor Ian Wingfield (Vice chair)


Licensing Committee

Councillor David Hubber (Chair)

Councillor Dominic Thorncroft (Vice chair)


Overview and Scrutiny Committee

Councillor Fiona Colley (Chair)

Councillor Jane Salmon (Vice chair)


Planning Committee

Councillor James Gurling (Chair)

Councillor Toby Eckersley (Vice chair)


Community Councils


Bermondsey Community Council

Councillor Anood Al-Samerai (Chair)

Councillor Bob Skelly (Vice chair)


Borough and Bankside Community Council

Councillor Mackie Sheik (Chair)

Councillor Lorraine Zuleta (Vice chair)


Camberwell Community Council

Councillor Dora Dixon-Fyle (Chair)

Councillor Ian Wingfield (Vice chair)


Dulwich Community Council

Councillor Nick Vineall

Councillor Robin Crookshank Hilton (Vice chair)


Nunhead and Peckham Rye Community Council

Councillor Mark Glover (Chair)

Councillor Althea Smith (Vice chair)


Peckham Community Council

Councillor Tayo Situ (Chair)

Councillor Mary Foulkes (Vice chair)


Rotherhithe Community Council

Copuncillor Columba Blango (Chair)

Councillor Wilma Nelson (Vice chair)


Walworth Community Council

Councillor Lorraine Lauder (Chair)

Councillor Abdul Mohamed (Vice chair)


13.  That seven councillor be appointed to serve on the standards committee as set out below:


·  Liberal Democrats 3 places; Labour 3; Conservatives 1.


14.  That the number of reserves that political groups will be entitled to nominate to serve on the standards committees be equivalent to the number of places on the committee.


15.  That it be noted that the election of the chair and vice-chair of the standards committee would take place at the first meeting of the committee.


16.  That 15 councillors be appointed to serve on the licensing committee with the following allocation of seats:


·  Liberal Democrats 7 places; Labour 7 and Conservative 1.


17.  That a licensing sub committee be appointed with delegated authority to hear all license applications including personal and premises licenses, reviews of licenses and temporary event notices. The sub committee to comprise members of the licensing committee with a quorum of three members.


18.  That the urgency committee be reconstituted (and sub-committees) to function during an interim period between a municipal election and council assembly with the terms of reference and membership as set out in Appendix B.


19.  That the voluntary bodies appointment panel (VBAP) be established and constituted to be responsible for recommending the appointment of charity trustees to specific Southwark charities and recommending appointments to the position of school governor on local education authority secondary and special school governing bodies, comprised of 2 Liberal Democrat, 2 Labour and 1 Conservative member.


20.  That the constitutional steering panel be established to comprised of the whips of each political group represented on the council,  to be responsible for reviewing and recommending amendments to the constitution. It is also responsible for making recommendations to council assembly for the award of the Honorary Freedom of the Borough and Honorary Aldermen and to recommend changes to the members’ allowances scheme.


21.  That the following dates for meetings of council assembly be agreed and that these dates be fixed in the council calendar for the municipal year 2009-10:


·  July 8 2009

·  November 4 2009

·  January 27 2010

·  February 23 2010

·  March 24 2010

·  May 19 2010



The draft calendar of meetings is attached as Appendix C of the report.


22.  That the allocation of representatives and votes on Local Government Association General Assembly be agreed as follows:


Local Government Association General Assembly


Liberal Democrats

Councillor Nick Stanton (2 votes)



Councillor Peter John (2 votes)


Councillor Toby Eckersley (1 vote)



23.  That it be noted that the executive and other committees will appoint to other outside committees and bodies.



Supporting documents: