Agenda item

139 Woodwarde Road, London SE22 8UP


Planning application reference number 10-AP-3693




Proposed single storey ground floor side extension to provide additional residential accommodation for the dwelling house and addition of a raised terrace level with glass balustrade at the rear of the property.


The planning officer introduced the report and circulated the site plans.


Councillors asked questions of the planning officer.


There were objectors present who addressed the meeting referring to loss of light and privacy.


The applicant’s agent spoke in favour of the application and responded to Members’ questions.


No supporters present.


Members discussed the application.




That planning permission be granted subject to an additional condition:


Prior to the commencement of works hereby approved details of a privacy screen shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority.  The details shall be implemented as approved and shall be maintained for the duration of the use of the terrace.



To protect the amenity of the adjoining residential properties at nos 37 and 41 Woodwarde Road in accordance with Saved Southwark Plan Policy 3.2 Protection of amenity and Strategic Policy 13 High environmental standards of the Core Strategy 2011.



Supporting documents: