Agenda item

Site to the rear of 28 Crescent Wood Road, London SE26 6RU


Planning application reference number 10-AP-2135




Redevelopment of 10 derelict garages on back land site into a single storey 3-bedroom family house with basement.


The planning officer introduced the report and circulated the site plans.


Councillors asked questions of the planning officer.


There were objectors present who addressed the meeting.


The applicant and applicant’s agent spoke in favour of the application and responded to Members’ questions.


There were two supporters who both lived within 100 metres of the site and spoke in support of the application.  No questions were asked of the supporters.


Local ward councillor, Cllr Lewis Robinson spoke on this application.


Members discussed the application. 




That planning permission be granted subject to conditions as set out in the report.


At this juncture, Members requested an update report from the enforcement team on current enforcement cases within the area including any specific concerns of local ward councillors at a future DCC planning meeting.


Supporting documents: