Agenda item

Update on SELCHP (South East London Combined Heat and Power Facility)

Presentation from the Energy programme manager.


David Gee, Energy Programme Manager, gave a presentation about proposals for the Southwark heat network. He explained that this project could deliver hot water and heat to homes in Southwark using low carbon, renewable, efficient energy. It would be delivering significant environmental benefits, e.g. an 80% reduction in the Co2 output by the affected estates.


The project would deliver significant cost savings in terms heating bills and maintenance of boiler houses. The project was in its early stages in which its feasibility was being assessed.  An agreement was scheduled for late 2011, and pipes scheduled to be laid in 2012/13. Operations could start in 2013/14. The route of the pipes included a section through one edge of Southwark Park. The trench required would be 50cm wide and 1.5 metres deep. More consultation would be undertaken with the homeowners council, the friends of Southwark park and with Rebecca Towers and Des Waters in the parks department.

David emphasised that the project would only go ahead if there was a net saving in terms of heating costs to residents.


Responding to questions from residents, David explained that it was envisaged for 3,000 homes on Rouel Road, Keatons, Four Squares, Pedworth, Abbeyfield, Tissington and Silverlock estates to form part of the project, with other estates to follow in due course. This was currently subject to negotiations.


A suggestion was made to include Osprey, Plough Way, Yeoman Street and Chilton Grove Estates in the scheme. Queries were raised about

  • whether leaseholders would have pay towards the construction cost
  • whether TRAs had been consulted
  • whether an alternative route outside of Southwark Park was being explored, so that the old trees would not damaged
  • whether this scheme meant an end to boiler rooms on estates


David explained that the trenches would not be deep, and that he would take these comments on board. TRAs would be consulted along with the leaseholder council. The old boiler houses would be used to house the heat exchanges which would connect the estates to SELCHP, and the backup systems. He explained that the operators of the plant had previously agreed to explore providing this source of heat in an agreement with the council, and that other estates could come on stream later.