Agenda item

Review of parenting support - part 1: School admissions: review report


8.1  The chair drew members' attention to the draft school admissions report circulated and invited comments from the committee.


8.2  A member commented that a common test for all secondary schools would be very welcome, adding that as a mother the current practice of children being tested by every school they apply for had been terrible for her child. The Assistant director for children’s services, Jane Bailey, agreed it is very difficult, but commented that this is the competitive nature of schools. The local authority’s role is being weakened, rather than strengthened, under the new government’s policy; however she reported that officers had been working with schools to negotiate a better arrangement. Next academic year it looks as if there will be two tests: one for the Harris academies and one for all the other local secondary schools.


8.3  Members asked if it was useful for the scrutiny report to recommend one common test. The Assistant director reported that that this could provide further challenge. One member pointed out that parents could still apply out of the borough and then their children would still need to do another test. Another member said the best outcome would be for a common London wide test.


8.4  A member asked if IQ is being tested and the Assistant director responded that most tests have a ‘CAT’ (Cognitive Ability Tests) component, which measures educational potential. Alongside this individual schools may measure specific aptitudes related to their specialist status; for example music or maths. This is one of the difficulties in arranging a common text.


8.5  It was agreed that some context on the common test issues should be added to the report.


8.6  A member noted that the report recommended more information and support be given to parents on waiting lists around the time school places are offered. He asked the Assistant director if there is the capacity within the department to do this. The Assistant director that that the pressure of cuts will limit capacity.  Members commented that this might be able to be delivered by volunteers. The Assistant director commented that the local authority has statuary duties in relation to the admissions process.


8.7  A member commented that extending membership of the Admissions board to local business and equality representatives could make the forum more dynamic.


8.1  The scrutiny project manager reported that a questionnaire is being circulated to parents asking for feedback on secondary school admissions and details will be sent to committee members. The survey will be completed in about three weeks.




The committee resolved to send an interim report to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee (OSC). The report will be finalised once the survey on secondary school admissions survey results have been completed and the results reported.

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