Agenda item

Rotherhithe secondary school


7.1  Sam Fowler, Project Director of Southwark Schools for the Future, introduced the topic and referred to the paper circulated.


7.2  A member said she understood the present Rotherhithe site may no longer be available. The officer agreed that things are changing and that there is an evolving action plan. He reported that there will be a need to identify sites and talk to existing local schools. The Project director reported that the council is seeking clarity from central government . The council will make a robust case as possible for a Rotherhithe school.


7.3  A member asked when the council expected a response and the Project Director reported that they expect this very soon; there are many stakeholders concerned.


7.4  The Project director reported that demand for places has remained consistent. The council is seeking to maximise places under Building Schools for the Future. There are a number of factors: the need for local school places and borough wide demand.


7.5  A member asked if the government are clear that this is a peninsular that makes it harder for children to  travel. The Project director assured members that the business case had included the local context and that the intention is to maximise funding.



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