Agenda item

Informal notes of visit to CCTV control rooms (Southwark and Lewisham)


5.1  The information regarding the committees visit to Lewisham, regarding the CCTV item had not been forthcoming.  The committee were informed that this item was not close to appearing on the forward plan in the near future and that there was an opportunity to put more thought into the work before it is listed for a decision. 

5.2  Councillors said that it was a difficult project to do without considerable money available.  The equipment that was currently in use was no longer working effectively and would need replacing in the near future.  Concerns were raised that the longer Southwark waited to purchase new equipment, the more expensive it would become.  It was felt that a budget was also needed to maintain the current system, which because of its age, was becoming increasingly more difficult to find replacement parts.  It was highlighted that VHS equipment is no longer being made. 

5.3  Councillors said that the quality of the pictures in Lewisham seemed to be clearer in quality, however the ease with which operators can pin point times and actions was an extremely useful facility.

5.4  There were concerns that should the new committee return to this review, because of the possible change in membership, there might not be impetus to take this work forward.

5.5  The committee might wish to write to Councillor Livingstone, as this matter fell under his portfolio and he might be in a position to push the topic further up the Cabinet agenda.

5.6  The committee felt that because Anti Social Behaviour had increased in Southwark that it might be a good opportunity to share this project with Lambeth.

5.7  The committee agreed that an email should be written to Eden Geddes and Jonathon Toy to express their disappointment at not receiving the information they had expected.


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