Agenda item

Notification of any items of business which the chair deems urgent

In special circumstances, an item of business may be added to an agenda within five clear working days of the meeting.


2.1  The Chair agreed to accept additional items.


2.2  Enquiry to the sub-committee from Michelle Bahrier, Chief Executive, Cooltan Arts.  Ms Bahrier shared a letter dated 23 March 2011 setting out the cessation of a service level agreement between the South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust and CoolTan Arts, and the potential impact on users, and potential users, of CoolTan Arts services in the absence of any existing transitional arrangements. The key issue was a perceived lack of service provision for CoolTan Arts clients given that personal health care budgets would not be in place by April 2011 as originally anticipated.


During conversation between members, Ms Bahrier and Susanna White, it was revealed that there was an ongoing review of mental health services which would address the issue of a plurality of providers. The review was part of the council’s budgetary plan, taking a strategic approach to exploring how to spend money more flexibility.


2.3  A letter had been received from St Thomas’s Hospital about further developing the site. It seemed that, if anything, the suggestions would result in an improvement in service delivery. Members enquiries or concerns are to be directed to the Chair or Vice Chair, or to Shelley Burke, Head of Overview & Scrutiny.


2.4  In relation to the national reconfiguration of Children’s Heart Services, there was a meeting for Southwark and Lambeth members at Guy’s Hospital on 29 March, at 4.30pm. There was a further meeting of scrutiny committee Chairs and lead officers at the London Borough of Waltham Forest on 5 April. The scrutiny meeting would explore the possibility of a London wide joint scrutiny project being formulated to consider the proposals.