Agenda item

Driscoll House, 172 New Kent Road, London, SE1 4YT



Minor alterations and demolition to include: insertion of a new lift from basement to fourth floor level, glazing over of lightwell, limited demolition and remodelling of partitions, minor alterations to meet fire regulations; infilling of gaps to corridor walls and wall separating bedrooms following asbestos removal, minor repairs to railings, gates and elevations.


The planning officer presented the application drawing member’s attention to the addendum report which had been circulated.


Members asked questions of the officer.


There were no objectors present


The applicant’s agent spoke in support of the application and members asked questions of the applicant.


A local supporter spoke in favour of the application.


No councillors spoke in their capacity as ward member.


Members discussed the application



That application 10-AP-3656, for listed building consent, be approved subject to:


  1. An amendment to condition 7 to include the front of the lift shaft


  1. An additional condition which requires the applicant to submit a construction management plan to include proposals associated with the works to be carried out and a restriction on hours of work on the site as follows: Monday to Friday 8am – 6pm and Saturday 8am -1pm.

Supporting documents: