Agenda item

Public Question Time

Responses to questions submitted at the previous meeting are attached.


The responses to public questions submitted on 1 March 2011 were noted.


The following public questions were submitted and the chair advised that written responses would be provided at the next meeting:


When will the work on the Walworth Road (to deal with the water levels and residents being drenched) commence and how long will it take?


Burgess Park

Are there any plans for the council to start charging for the use of open space in Burgess Park?


What are the plans for the play area in Burgess Park which is of poor design and in need of change?


When will the cost of the development to Burgess Park be provided to the community council?


How much was spent on consultants?


Housing Repairs

Have any contractors been sacked as a result of poor performance?


Will any independent satisfaction survey been consulted after repairs are completed?


What training is given to people on the helpdesk and is this monitored as residents experience conflicting information when they call?


Have council staff and contractors been warned that they must wear identity badges at all times?


Is there any scrutiny of contractors to ensure they are wearing ID?


Have any contractors been suspended for not wearing IDs during visits to residents?


How many random visits did council environmental health and safety officers make in 2010/11 and how many are planned for 2011/12?


Can blue recycling wheelie bins be placed on Pullens estate to prevent a return to the old situation when black bags were just dumped on the pavement?


Are you going to protect/expand allotments?


Elephant and Castle Leisure Centre

How much is being spent on the project?


Elephant and Castle Regeneration


Can each Walworth community council agenda include a list of consultation meetings for the Heygate regeneration?


Will the residential development of the Elephant and Castle comply with the New London Plan and the new space standards proposed by the Council? Also will there be houses built in the scheme that also comply with these space standards?


Are residents consulted about large buildings in the area – tower blocks that might not be close to be affect their environment. E.g. the enormous new tower and the Elephant? If not why?


Can we have written updates at community council meetings as well as slide shows?


Can all major planning applications be sent to all the TRAs in the relevant ward?


It has been brought to the council’s attention that there is a portacabin at the end of Larcham Street which is there without planning permission. Why is this dangerous obstacle still there?


Why are only questions allowed from the floor? This limits comments and input from the public. This makes it undemocratic and a ‘fake consultation’.

How and to whom, were the open space workshops publicised?


Why are officers unable to answer so many questions? And why are the answers postponed?



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