Agenda item

Community safety updates - Village Ward update

Officers from the Safer Neighbourhoods Teams.


Sergeant Jeff Jenkinson from the Police safer neighbourhood team responsible for Village ward presented this item.


Sgt Jenkinson outlined the work which the team did in December 2010 with regards to neighbourhood policing and operations which were done in conjunction with Lambeth Police.  He also reported on the priorities that was discussed at the police ward panel meeting on 28 January 2011 which includes:


  • Robbery
  • School dispersals
  • Night patrol, burglary
  • Crime prevention and
  • anti social behaviour.


The Sergeant spoke about the crime figures, 54 were reported last year and vehicle crime was on the increase which the SNTs are currently addressing.


The safer neighbourhoods teams’ consultation took place in January 2011 whereby the chief inspector Rob Harper spoke at all the ward panels; feedback and updates would be given at the June community council.


The meeting were also informed on other policing matters such as long term crime, mental health issues, community sentences and police monitoring.


The SNT has a problem solving process which gets recognition as a London wide scheme.


There is a regular youth and policing meeting at Herne Hill Baptist Church to discuss issues young people have concerns about and officers from fire arms unit, territorial army and other groups are invited to the meeting.


Sgt Jenkinson responded to questions on the main elements of crime i.e. motor vehicle crime or malicious damage.


The safer neighbourhood panel took place on 9 March 2011 at St Barnabus Church.