Agenda item

Public Question Time

Please submit your questions to the Constitutional officer or Neighbourhood



Q1: How much money has been spent on the alterations at the roundabout end of Burbage Road, which were wrongly aligned and have been dug up and realigned.  Residents in Burbage Road were not consulted and there has been a massive waste of tax payers money.  A pedestrian who crosses the Dulwich Village Road is blocked on the bank side.  As well as being inoperable it is also in the wrong place?


A1: Chair requests that a response from officers be given at the next meeting.


Q2: We have heard this evening of the various works that are made possible by volunteers and grants from the Council.  Does the PELO Sports Club in Burbage Road receive any help?


A2: Chair requests that a response from officers be given at the next meeting.


Q3: The Transport Plan draft of December 2010 on 20mph streets, cycle lanes are not be provided or removed; what action does the Council propose to take to ensure drivers obey the 20mph limits e.g. in College Road?


A3: The 20mph zones are self enforcing design with speed humps whereas those that are not 20mph zone are police enforcing. 



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