Agenda item

Draft Air Quality Strategy and Action Plan

Officer presentations on: the draft Air Quality Strategy and Action Plan and the proposal to implement Emission based charges for Residential parking or an increase for all residential permits.



Bill Leggasick, Principal Environment Officer presented this item.


Air quality affects us all in our daily lives and we breath in pollution from a variety of sources which cause health effects.  As part of reviewing and assessing air pollution the process which identifies all pollutant concentration objectives were met in Southwark with the exception of NO2 (nitrogen dioxide) and PM10 (particulate matters) dust particles.  The Council were consulting on the air quality strategy and improvement plan which has to be updated.  The London Mayor has also introduced an quality strategy emphasising the importance of reducing emissions from vehicular transport and protect public health and monitor air quality. 


The main objectives are:


·  To tackle carbon emissions – transport sources i.e. pollution coming out of diesel engines.


·  To protect public health and monitor air quality.


·  To reduce emissions from new development.


Those present at the meeting were encouraged to go online so their views could be taken into consideration. Other consultees include GLA (Greater London Assembly), DEFRA (Dept for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs) as well as local residents.  The period for consultation was from the 1 March until 20 April 2011.  It would then be taken to the Council’s cabinet meeting in September 2011.


Comments were expressed about the air quality monitoring equipment at the Rotherhithe roundabout and the air quality data in surrounding areas of Surrey Canal and Surrey Docks.


The chair thanked the officer for his presentation.