Agenda item

Community safety update

Officers from the Safer Neighbourhoods Teams to update meeting on policing and ward priorities.


The community council noted the safer neighbourhood teams updates on community safety matters. 


The SNT representative reported that a PCSO arrested a suspected burglar who has already been charged with several offences relating to burglary. The safer neighbourhood teams have been dealing with anti social behaviour on local housing estates and are currently working with the families that live on the estates and the Council.


The priorities for Surrey Docks ward are: Drug warrants on the Opsrey Estate, training on speed guns on Salter Road. The next stage is enforcement training and automated recognition for number plate reading to catch those committing road offences, stolen vehicles and immigration offences.


Questions were asked about the spate of burglaries in Surrey Docks ward which include those committed in the Downtown area. The person arrested was also part of a gang responsible for this sort of crime. The Police representative said he was confident the individual would be charged and serve time for his offences.


People were encouraged to increase their awareness, get to know their neighbours and if you suspect anything report it to the Police.


Further updates would be given at the next meeting.