Agenda item

Public Question Time

Please submit your written questions to the Constitutional Officer or Neighbourhood Co-ordinator


The following questions were submitted:


Q1: What is the latest position on the proposed routes for the Thames Tunnel and proposed use of King Stairs Gardens and St John’s Estates?


A1: Recent press release suggests that Thames Water are considering alternatives sites but no other information has been provided.


Q2: Please could you confirm whether the future proposals for community councils is to pair them up in accordance with the areas e.g. Bermondsey with Rotherhithe and the like?


A2: Cllr Richard Livingstone: Southwark faces the biggest challenge due to the cuts however no decision has been made about merging community councils. 


Q3: Please could the community council explain what the Council are doing to help those in the armed forces particularly with regard to assisting them with housing?


A4: At a recent full Council meeting a deputation was heard about the Southwark Tribute to Heroes to provide support and housing for those in the armed forces.  A motion was passed at the meeting to prioritise people who have served in the armed forces particularly after serving the country.


Q5: Since the last community council meeting a public question was raised about the pathway at Surrey Docks Water Centre which still remains closed.


A5: The Chair: I understand the relevant cabinet member for culture, leisure, sport and the Olympics was to take the appropriate steps to visit the centre.


Cllr Hubber mentioned at this segment of the meeting that Thames Clippers river travel would be reducing their journey times which would affect those working late or who attend social events.  A meeting took place with GLA member, Caroline Pidgeon, local Councillors and representatives of Thames Clippers who have now decided to reinstate some of the operation times.


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