Agenda item

Announcements from the mayor, members of the cabinet or chief executive

To receive any announcements from the Mayor, members of the cabinet or chief executive.


The Mayor made the following announcements:


·  Thanked Harris Academy Peckham for allowing council assembly to use their school.

·  Welcomed Councillor Chris Brown to his first meeting of council assembly.

·  That she would be hosting a charity quiz night in support of The People Care Association and the Rheumatology Department at King's College Hospital.  The quiz will be held on the 18 November 2011, starting promptly at 7.00pm at the council offices, Tooley Street.  Entrance is £30 for a table of six and all proceeds will be shared by the Mayor’s two chosen charities for this year.

·  That she had given permission for the Latin American Recognition Campaign deputation to film themselves whilst making their presentation.

·  That former Councillor and Mayor, Dot Winters, had passed away.  Councillors Ian Wingfield, Denise Capstick and Michael Mitchell paid tribute.  Thereafter a minute’s silence was held.