Agenda item

Regeneration - cross border issues and library consultation

Alistair Huggett, Frameworks and Implementation Manager  and Graham Sutton, the Economic Development Manager


Update on progress in addressing cross-border issues with Lambeth, such as night-time economy and bin collection. Followed by a round-up of the principal regeneration schemes underway and planned for Camberwell town centre, including initial proposals for a new library building at Camberwell Green.


Alistair Huggett from the regeneration department updated the meeting on the cross border issues which had been reported at the meeting in November.


Alistair explained that there was currently a consultation on the new library. The consultation was asking what people wanted to see in the library and what was important to people in terms of planning options. The council was also interested in people’s views on proposals to build a new facility in front of the magistrates court.


Alistair also updated the meeting on some of the cross border issued raised in November.


Transport Improvement

Work was taking place at Denmark Hill station to improve disabled access and improvements were planned for Southampton Way. The council was working with TfL to look at ways to improve the town centre in terms of crossings, street clutter and bus operations.


Purple Flag

This was being led by the Licensing department who were exploring opportunities for achieving purple flag accreditation and would report back to the community council.


Development team

A cross departmental team had been established in order to improve co-ordination and communication. Lambeth officers were also involved on specific cross-border issues.


Street Cleaning

Southwark and Lambeth were attempting to co-ordinate street cleaning better and the opportunities for shared services in this area were being explored.


Planning Policy

It was hoped the Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) would contain a joint statement with Lambeth.



A joint approach was planned between the respective safer neighbourhoods teams which would include a zero-tolerance approach on targeted border streets.


Quality of life

The council had initiated discussions with service providers for drug offenders. One suggestion had been to make ways of moving through Camberwell easier.


Regeneration Officers

Each of the authorities had a named officer for cross border issues. These were Karen O’Keefe at Southwark and Stephanie Butcher at Lambeth.


Other opportunities

Alistair also explained that the council were looking at other opportunities for cross border working such as a annual forum and public realm signage.


Councillor Govier raised issues around funding of the initiatives mentioned. In response Councillor Dixon-Fyle explained that the council would move slowly due to the current financial restrictions.


Residents asked about community involvement from groups such as the SE5 forum and Camberwell Society. Councillor Dixon-Fyle responded that residents and the community council will continue to be consulted with.

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