Agenda item

Deputation Requests


(See pages 2-4 of supplemental agenda 3)


Following the approval of a procedural motion, a deputation request from the Pumphouse Educational Museum was referred to the next meeting of the cabinet.  The deputation from Southwark Gymnastics Club were not present at the meeting, however members noted the excellent display during the informal session that preceded the meeting. 


Deputation request from the Burgess Park (Colts) cricket team


Council assembly considered whether to receive the deputation request from the Burgess Park (Colts) cricket team.




That the deputation be received.


The deputation’s spokesperson addressed the meeting.


Councillors Peter John, Veronica Ward, and Anood Al-Samerai asked questions of the deputation.


Deputation request from the Southwark Youth Council


Council assembly considered whether to receive the deputation request from Southwark Youth Council.




That the deputation be received.


The deputation’s spokespersons from the Southwark Youth Council addressed the meeting.


Councillors  Rosie Shimell, Veronica Ward, David Hubber and Tim McNally asked questions of the deputation.


Deputation request from the Peckham Pride Basketball Club


Council assembly considered whether to receive the deputation request from the Peckham Pride Basketball Club.




That the deputation be received.


The deputation’s spokesperson, Sterling Muschett addressed the meeting, then some of the team members addressed the meeting. 


Councillors Paul Noblet, Althea Smith, Lisa Rajan, Peter John and Rowena Davis asked questions of the deputation.


Deputation request from the Friends of Southwark Park


Council assembly considered whether to receive the deputation request from the Friends of Southwark Park.




That the deputation be received.


The deputation’s spokesperson, Mr Patrick Kingwell, addressed the meeting.


Councillors Peter John, Barrie Hargrove, Paul Noblet, and Lisa Rajan asked questions of the deputation.


At this juncture Councillor Tim McNally seconded by Councillor Althea Smith, moved that in accordance with council assembly procedural rule 1.6 (b), Motion 3 – Protecting Southwark be heard after the deputation by the Friends of Southwark Park.


The procedural motion was put the vote and declared to be carried.


The motion was then debated.

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