Agenda item

Notification of any items of business which the mayor deems urgent


The Mayor informed the meeting that there would be a variation in the order of business and that she would hear, in the following order, all public questions, deputations on the themed debate, the themed debate then the remaining deputations.


Councillor Helen Morrissey, seconded by Councillor Tim McNally, moved a procedural motion to suspend council assembly procedure rule 2.6 (20) to allow council assembly to hear the deputation from the Friends of Southwark Park.


The procedural motion was put to the vote and declared to be carried.


Councillor Helen Morrissey moved a procedural motion to refer the deputation request on the Pumphouse Educational Museum to the cabinet in light of the consultation process on the budget.  This was seconded. 


The procedural motion was put to the vote and declared to be carried.