Agenda item

Announcements from the mayor, members of the cabinet or chief executive


The Mayor welcomed everyone to the council assembly meeting and especially thanked Walworth Academy for allowing the council to use their hall this evening. 


The Mayor:


  • Congratulated Councillor Dora Dixon-Fyle and others who lived or worked in the borough who had received an honour in the Queen’s Birthday Honours list, a list of which had been circulated around the room. 


  • Congratulated the achievements of Southwark’s young people in the London Youth Games. 


Councillor Veronica Ward, the cabinet member for culture, leisure, sport and the Olympics made an announcement about:


  • the community games summer activities programme, which will be published next week.


  • She also announced that Southwark Council had become one of the first London boroughs to adopt Inclusive and Active 2, a five year strategy to increase opportunities for disabled young people and adults in sports and physical activity.


Councillor Peter John announced that as Southwark was an Olympic borough, Olympic badges had been circulated to all members.


Councillor Tim McNally made a point of order in respect of Amendment E. The Mayor informed the meeting that having considered advice from the monitoring officer, the amendment had been ruled out of order.