Agenda item

Members' motions and questions on the theme

·  Members’ Questions on the Themed Debate


·  Motion on the Themed Debate - The future for Southwark- rising to the community challenge


(see pages 8-12  of the main agenda and lilac papers circulated at the meeting)




Councillor Patrick Diamond, seconded by Councillor Michael Situ, moved the motion.


Councillor Anood Al-Samerai, seconded by Councillor Lisa Rajan, moved Amendment A.


Following debate (Councillor Neil Coyle, Paul Noblet, Norma Gibbes, Nick Stanton, Helen Morrissey and Mark Williams), Councillor Patrick Diamond exercised his right of reply.


Amendment A was put to the vote and declared to be lost.


The substantive motion was put to the vote and declared to be carried.




1.  That council assembly notes the letter from the cabinet member for equalities and community engagement setting out the theme of the debate: “The future for Southwark - rising to the community challenge”.


2.  That council assembly notes the assertion that “the council’s role will have to change over the coming years, due to spending cuts and changing resident expectations and needs.”  It notes the questions that the cabinet member posed to members to help them think about how they can shape that change:


·  How can we give residents more control over the services they receive?

·  What role could you and your community play in helping to deliver these services?

·  How should we measure success and how should we communicate our progress with you?


3.  That council assembly calls on the cabinet to note the content of the debate and points raised.


4.  That council assembly calls on the cabinet member for regeneration and corporate strategy to report back in not less than six months on which of these ideas will be pursued further with communities and neighbourhood forums.


Note: This motion will be referred as a recommendation to the cabinet for consideration.




There were twenty-four questions to the leader, the written answers to which were circulated on lilac paper at the meeting.  The leader answered five supplementary questions.  The questions are attached as Appendix 3 of the minutes.


The Deputy Mayor stated that the time for questions on themed section of the meeting had ended.


At this juncture Councillor Catherine Bowman, seconded by Councillor Lisa Rajan, moved that council assembly procedure rule 2.7(4), time allocated for themed section of the meeting, be suspended in order to allow all questions from members to be considered.


The procedural motion was put to the vote and declared to be lost.

Supporting documents: