Agenda item

Disclosure of interests and dispensations


Members declared the following interests:


Item 4.2 – Motion 1: Repayment of major works charges by leaseholders


Councillors Catherine Bowman, Eliza Mann, Wilma Nelson and Linda Manchester declared a personal and non-prejudicial interest in this item as they are council leaseholders.


Item 5.2 - Canada Water Area Action Plan


Councillors Jeff Hook, David Hubber, Lisa Rajan and Fiona Colley declared a personal and non-prejudicial interest in this item as they live in or near the area action zone.


Councillor Paul Noblet declared a personal and non-prejudicial interest in this item as he is a trustee of Surrey Docks farm and a governor of Redrith primary school, both of which are near the area action zone.


Item 7.1 - Licensing Act 2003 – Extension of Borough and Bankside Saturation Area


Councillors Mark Glover, Anood Al-Samerai, Adele Morris, Tim McNally and Linda Manchester declared a personal and non-prejudicial interest in this item as they live in or near the saturation zone.