Agenda item

Announcements from the mayor, members of the cabinet or chief executive


The Deputy Mayor made the following announcements:


  • The meeting sent its best wishes to the Mayor, Councillor Tayo Situ, who was unable to attend the meeting.


  • She welcomed new Councillor Mark Williams to his first meeting of council assembly. 


  • That she had given permission for a film company to film the Southwark Mediation Centre deputation.  They would be filming the deputation and those members who spoke.


  • That she had completed a six mile walk last Sunday as part of the London Mayor’s Walk and all monies received will be donated to the Macmillan charity.  Two collection buckets were placed at the back of the chamber for those who wished to donate.


·  That Councillor Denise Capstick would be running in the London Marathon on 17 April in aid of the Mayor’s charity.  A sponsorship form was attached to the signing in book for those wishing to sponsor her.


  • She encouraged everyone to attend the Mayor’s Ball in aid of the Macmillan charity on Saturday 14 May, at the Hilton Tower Bridge.  Tickets will be £70 and it starts at 7.00pm and finishes at 1.00am.


  • That notice had been received that the deputation from a cross section of the Rotherhithe community and the Hawkstone Tenants and Residents Association had been withdrawn.