Agenda item

Olympic strategy and delivery plans


5.1  Adrian Whittle; Head of Culture, Libraries, Learning and Leisure and Paul Cowell; Events, Film and 2012 Manager presented the report circulated with the papers.


5.2  Officers highlighted that the achievements so far include increasing take-up of the Get Set London education programme from 40 to 101 schools, representing 83% of Southwark’s schools and colleges, with the remainder being pursued.


5.3  The council has announced a £2 million capital legacy fund. This money has been identified through the capital refresh. This is Southwark money, however the council hope to leverage in external money.


5.4  Southwark Council has been cited as the most progressed non-host authority in London in terms of emergency planning and business continuity arrangements.


5.5  The Globe has secured funding for 38 theatre companies to perform 38 plays in 38 languages.


5.6  There will be a torch relay and details will shortly be forthcoming. 6 evening events are anticipated and there will be an opportunity for a citizen to be a torch bearer.


5.7  The chair thanked the officers for their presentation and invited members to ask questions.


5.8  A member asked if the £2 million is in the budget. The Head of Culture, Libraries, Learning and Leisure said that it was not; the money would come from changes and slippage in the council’s capital programme. It is anticipated that £2 million can be found from this.


5.9  There was a query on the benefits to young people and the officers drew the committee attention to the ‘engaging young people’ work strand. This will link into the sports partnership in place. Alongside this the new head of youth will be looking at informal opportunities.  Members asked for more information on this,  particularly the number anticipated to benefit from volunteering.


5.10  The chair commented that one important outcome from the Olympics would hopefully be an increase in the number of people participating in sports. He asked if both Fusion and Southwark’s sports clubs will be running recruitment drives. The chair asked if sports clubs are promoted on the council website and how the council engages with sports clubs.


5.11  Officers responded that the council is engaging with the Fusion; however their budget allocation has recently been slashed by £3 million. Budget savings also mean that there is less staff capacity to support sport clubs.


5.12  A member asked for more information on the capital legacy programme, and in particular if there will be a bidding process and a clear criteria. Officers confirmed that there will be.


5.13  A member welcomed the work that had gone into planning for the Olympics, and commented that there was an appreciation that work needed to be undertaken with much reduced resources. The member commented that the successful bid for Burgess Park would be a boost and would increase the facilities available, and he hoped these new amenities  would be promoted in the Olympic marketing programme. Officers agreed that the Olympic programme should make the most of community activities and facilities.




Officers were asked come back in 6 months time and report on:


  1. Outcomes regarding young people, particularly the number anticipated to benefit from volunteering.


  1. Links with sports clubs and facilities and any plans to promote these through the marketing programme and also challenge clubs to expand programmes and participation.


  1. Links to Fusion and the Olympics and any planned outcomes

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