Agenda item

Community safety update

Officers from the local Safer Neighbourhoods Teams to update meeting on policing and ward priorities.


Sergeant Warran from College ward reported the priorities set for the month of January 2011 which are: street robbery, tackling anti social behaviour following complaints in local housing blocks and road safety in Alleyn Park, Kingswood Estate, Croxted Road Estate  and Dulwich Park.


Three arrests were made on street robbery and drug related offences, and are due to appear in court.


With regards to road safety officers have been recording speeds and cautioned motorists for offences. In addition six penalty charge notices were issued to those caught using mobile phones whilst driving.


It was announced that the next ward panel would take place on 9 February 2011 at 7pm in the Alleyn’s Head Public House. 


Sgt Warran responded to a question relating to speeding explaining that the highest number of those caught speeding were in Sydenham Hill, Croxted Road and Dulwich Wood Hill.


It was noted that further updates on community safety issues in College ward would be given at a future meeting.


Community Wardens Update


The team leader for Dulwich community wardens outlined:


Wardens have been focusing some of their patrols on the Croxted Road Estate, this is due to complaints about young people causing anti social behaviour. Community wardens have spoken to young people from the Croxted Road Estate, asking them to be more aware of the residents of the estate and moving them on.


There was a recent fire incident in one of the blocks on Glazebrook, where the wardens could smell burning.  The fire brigade arrived quickly, gained entry through a window and put out the fire. The residents were then able to return to their homes. The wardens remained outside the open property until it was secured.


Wardens will continue to have later shift cover for three weeks so the patrols in the area can continue.


Dulwich wardens conducted weapons sweeps on the Kingswood Estate in November 2010 removing any dangerous items found and have continued to patrol around Kingsdale at the end of the school day.


Wardens regularly patrol the Lordship Lane Estate which is part of the core patrol area and often attend the coffee afternoons on a Wednesday to speak to the residents about any issues on the estate.


If you would like to speak to a Dulwich Warden please contact: Dulwich Warden Team Leader, Roy Fielding on 020 7525 0051 or



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