Agenda item

Consultation on the local transport implementation plan

An officer from Transport Planning will introduce this item.


Barbara Selby presented the transport plan and provided details of the nine transport objectives derived from other adopted policies and evidence.  She stated that a number of these issues are contentious example, road safety and accident levels.


As part of the consultation people were encouraged to fill out the questionnaires and contact the transport planning team if they wish to receive a hard copy of the plan.  The consultation would last until 8 May 2011.  Residents were urged to view further information online at or by email,


Concerns were expressed about the poor provision of public transport mostly in College ward. The train service to Gipsy Hill is now under threat and the number 63 bus route no longer has a direct link to the West End.  Barbara said it was important to know people’s views which can be addressed at the Public Transport Consultative Forum.  The Forum consists of elected members, residents, TfL representatives.  Details of which are available on the Southwark website.


Barbara advised the meeting that Paxton Green would receive funding for road safety improvements for the next two years.  Road works should commence later this year and would be subject to consultation. 


The chair thanked Barbara for her presentation.



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