Agenda item

College Ward focus

This part of the meeting is College ward focus on matters concerning:


a)  Presentation from Kingsdale Foundation School – a representative will talk about plans for the school and how they can engage with local people in the area. 


b)  Paxton Green Clinic – discuss what local services it offers to those residents in College ward.


c)  Transport issues – specifically relating to the bus stop at Paxton Green, Road Safety Plan and School children crossing the pedestrian crossing in this area.


d)  Information report  on Public Realm projects (update) in College ward.

(see pages 18 – 21)


e)  Facilities in BelAir Park Youth Hub (update) and youth provision programme. 



Time allocation for this part of the meeting will be ten minutes for each presentation.


The presentation from Kingsdale Foundation School was withdrawn because the head teacher was unable to attend.


The transport issues relating to road safety in Paxton Green roundabout were discussed during the presentation on the local transport implementation plan. 


Also, the information report on public realm projects in College ward was noted.


Presentation from Paxton Green Clinic


Dr Tyrell Evans from Paxton Green Clinic was present to give an overview of the practice outlining what his thoughts are when considering the care of patients. 


Key issues:


·  Flu epidemic – to encourage those who have not yet received their flu jab.


·  Look at services via the clinic’s website and encourage people to feedback any concerns.


·  Register with a local GP.


·  People from black and ethnic minority background should be encouraged to register with a doctor which sometimes could be difficult due to language barriers.


·  As a boundary practice for Lambeth and Southwark particularly those who live in College ward.


·  Offers young people a walk in clinic between the hours of 3.30 pm until 5.30pm if they wish to see a GP.


·  TimeBank (volunteering) is based on the Kingswood Estate which is a great value to the community.


Dr Evans responded to questions on the following issues:


·  The new NHS arrangements for commissioning of services and how Lambeth Borough is looking to become a pathfinder.


·  Looking at GPs in the borough which will be commissioned and be put through an election process, Lambeth and Southwark are working closely on this.


·  Offering dental services at the practice.


·  Procedures at the practice are not always clear especially due to the wide range of services that are available; at times it means there is not always a continuity of care.  The practice now has a dedicated telephone line and email address to render this, making access better.


·  Offering specific services like a routine blood test which is not currently available at Paxton Green Clinic, this is because overall there is a general shortage of practice nurses.



Youth Provision programme and Youth Hub 


Dee Lewis, Area Youth Manager presented this item.  Dee explained what youth provision was currently available in College ward, they include:


Dulwich Youth Community Council, Monday: 18:00 – 20:00 at Kingswood Youth Centre (Portakabin), Kingswood Estate, Seeley Drive SE21 8PH


Kingswood Young Peoples Project, Wednesday & Friday: 18:15 – 21:15 at the above venue.


Kingsdale School, youth club sessions for young men and women (11-19yrs) which provide aaccess points and a wide variety of accredited learning opportunities.


Dee mentioned that consultation was open for Langbourne Primary School and those being consulted are Dulwich Youth Community Council, parents/carers, Kingswood Estate Tenants and Residents Association (KETRA) Committee and KETRA Network.




  Specialist professional creative & performing arts

  Sports & arts

  Youth forum

  Cookery room for young people & wider community

  Taster short courses

  Internet cafe

  Kingwood House Residents


Belair Park


The official opening of Belair youth hub took place at the end October 2010. It is the borough centre for the Duke of Edinburgh award scheme and is a base for the  outdoor education officer team. 




Monday evenings includes a skills section (first aid, orienteering, and bush craft) for bronze & silver participants.  Tuesday evenings has leader training for volunteers and gold participants. Open award centre meetings and sport and outdoor education activities are linked to football pitches.


Other activities:


·  Personal and social guidance education through leisure recreation.

·  Accredited learning opportunities.

·  Park related holiday activities.

·  Meeting space for the Dulwich Youth Community Council.


The chair thanked the presenters for their attendance.




Supporting documents: