Agenda item

Winter Plan - icy pavements and local grit boxes

An officer from the Public Realm section will present this item.


Mick Lucas, public realm asset manager presented this item.


He referred to the winter gritting programme and winter service update.  Both contained information about:


·  Gritting and salting of roads, in the south of the borough which are more likely to experience frost than others and are treated as a priority when adverse weather is forecast.

·  Gritting and salting selected roads in the borough that are to be kept operational during severe winter weather to allow essential services (e.g. emergency services) to operate reliably and safely.

·  An agreement with TfL to have a limited stock level of salt and grit  to clear major roads to maintain traffic flow. This also includes pavements and footpaths. 

See the winter service plan for more details:

Mick responded to questions from residents and Councillors and asked people to contact him for any suggestions on where they felt sites should be treated.  It was mentioned that the road entrance of Kingswood Estate was gritted but the rest of the Estate had not been gritted.  Also pavements and footpaths around College Road and Sydenham should be prioritized and included in the Winter Plan

Mick explained that due to limited resources it was not always possible to identify hotspots that should be treated.

It was suggested by some residents that priority should be given to all footpaths and icy pavements.  In addition that street cleaners clearing litter are better served clearing ice on footpaths and pavements as well.

Useful tips on clearing snow and ice from pavements or public spaces were outlined in the Winter Service plan.

The chair thanked Mick Lucas for attending the meeting.




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