Agenda item

Update on Fairer Future for all


Cllr Richard Livingstone, cabinet member for finance, resources and community safety, addressed the meeting about the budget consultation process. He referred to the budget consultation report (circulated at the meeting) which set out the results of the consultation document that took place at the community council meeting on 8 November 2010.


The following information was noted:


·  Spending cuts from central government are very severe during this and the next financial year.  These would amount to about £29.7m less from the formula grant. The council would be as open and transparent as possible and the consultation exercises that are taking place are a part of that.


·  Government allocation of 11.3% grants, cutting millions in public spending starting from April 2011.


·  Southwark to receive significant cuts overall with a possible 18% cut within the first year.


·  At least 26 out of the 32 boroughs would use the formula grant this is used to assess the basic expenditure needs of local authorities by combining estimates of the level of provision required for each service.


·  The question is whether the right population figures are being used to determine how much is allocated because the last census most probably undercounted Southwark’s population.  The Council want to ensure census forms are filled out correctly.


·  That residents wanted to protect the most vulnerable in Southwark from the cuts: vulnerable adults and children’s services.


·  That the draft revenue budget report has now been published on the council’s website. Cllr Livingstone encouraged people to look at the report and make comments.


After the cabinet meeting on 25 January, there would be a period of consultation, before the report is considered at cabinet on 8 February 2011 with further recommendations. The final version of the report would then be sent to Council Assembly on 22 February for agreement.


The chair thanked Cllr Livingstone for his presentation and responding to questions.