Agenda item

Motion 4 - Choices that count


Report:  See pages 33-34 of the main agenda


The guillotine having fallen, Councillors Anood Al-Samerai and Columba Blango, formally moved and seconded the motion.


Councillors Veronica Ward and Mark Glover, formally moved and seconded Amendment D.


Amendment D was put to the vote and declared to be carried.


The substantive motion was put to the vote and declared to be carried.




1.  That council notes that London 2012 Olympics and Paralympics are now only a few months away.  It notes that 2012 offers our residents and particularly our young people a unique opportunity to become involved - from volunteering at a big art institution or theatre to sports and dance events and learning new skills. It believes that 2012 is about London as a world city and that Southwark reflects the world in our communities.  It believes it is an opportunity not to be missed.


2.  That council notes that the administration has recognised the importance of 2012 and set up a modest structure to coordinate the priority areas we have identified:


·  Engaging young people

·  Getting active, being healthy

·  Promoting volunteering and providing opportunities for business and employment

·  Offering the Southwark experience - our world class arts and culture centres linking with the community

·  Communications

·  Public services operations.


3.  That council believes that to succeed in setting up specific memorable projects, key organisations in the borough should be involved and that these relationships are important for the promotion of Southwark and its economy.  It notes that the Olympic Legacy Fund is being set up with the intention of raising further outside money to fund capital projects which will improve access to and increase participation in physical activity and keep Olympic values alive after 2012.  It notes that the community will be asked to submit ideas for high profile projects.


4.  That council believes that the community games is important for our young people and for our aspirations for 2012.


5.  That council is determined to maximise the benefits of 2012 against a backdrop of Government cutbacks to sport – which it believes are incredible in themselves as we build up to the Olympic year. It notes that the cuts include:


·  Working Neighbourhood Fund which funded part of the community games

·  The Schools Sports Partnership

·  The end of free swimming for young people

·  Cuts to sporting bodies.


6.  That council notes that the authority also faces unprecedented cuts to its settlement from government, forcing serious cuts across all services. 


7.  That council notes, however, that a substantial sum has been identified to secure the games and to build up young peoples' sports for 2012 events.  It notes that the administration will seek funding sources to secure the games for the future beyond 2012.


Note: This motion will be referred as a recommendation to the cabinet for consideration.