Agenda item

Motion 3 - Southwark Council Tribute to Heroes


Report:  See page 33 of the main agenda


Councillor Denise Capstick, seconded by Councillor Paul Kyriacou, moved the motion.


Following debate (Councillors Ian Wingfield, Jeff Hook, Nick Dolezal, Geoffrey Thornton, Fiona Colley, Anood Al-Samerai, Catherine Bowman, Mark Gettleson and Peter John), Councillor Denise Capstick exercised her right of reply.


The motion was put to the vote and declared to be carried.




1.  That council recognises and thanks the people of Southwark for all they have done to support the armed forces and to raise funds for Help for Heroes and Homes for Heroes.


2.  That council notes that currently all servicemen and women who die in Afghanistan, are brought to Bermondsey before making their final journey to their resting places.


3.  That council agrees to work with the relevant parties involved to facilitate an appropriate tribute from Southwark to recognise those who lose their lives whilst serving our country and make their final journey from our borough.


Note: This motion will be referred as a recommendation to the cabinet for consideration.