Agenda item

Chair's announcements

The chair to advise on any deputations or petitions received.


The following was presented:


Community Councils consultation - licensing policy on sex establishments


David Swaby from licensing presented:


A draft licensing policy document on sex establishments was recently ratified at the Licensing committee (6 January 2011) for the purpose of public consultation.


The policy consultation started on 10 January 2011 and ends on 4 March 2011


Community councils are being asked for their views on the draft policy as well as hearing the views of local residents, businesses and community groups to comment and consider any areas of Southwark which might be suitable or unsuitable. 

The draft policy proposes that applications will not normally be granted where the premises are located:

  • Near residential accommodation.
  • Near places of worship, community facilities or public buildings.
  • Near schools, youth clubs, shops, parks, leisure and recreational establishments.
  • and any other similar premises directed at, or primarily used by children or families.

An online form is available online at  in the search button type in draft sex establishment policy.



Fairer Future for All in Southwark


Councillor Peter John, leader of the Council addressed the meeting about the budget consultation process. He referred to the draft budget proposals which were considered on 25 January 2011 details of which are available online.  He urged people to observe and comment on where savings could be made and thanked Dulwich community council for being involved in the previous consultation process.


Councillor John also outlined that the Council would be loosing about £59 million.  The Council is to set out a three year budget plan that would be in accordance with budget principles.


Councillor John responded to questions and took on board comments concerning:


·  That there would be a strategic review of libraries in the borough with some smaller libraries likely to close,


·  That the voluntary sector should be protected from the pending cuts wherever possible as they offer a vital service to the Borough.


·  The £3.4 million formula grant particularly for social care functions and the allocation of funding from the Health Authority when the Primary Care Trust winds up in April 2011 should set out in simpler guidance note.  Cllr John confirmed this was in the budget.


·  Discussion about cutting the community councils areas by 50% where it has been suggested that there would no longer be a Dulwich Community Council thereby cutting local democracy.  Cllr John replied that there is a proposal to save £300,000 saving from community councils which the democracy commission would look at these draft proposals.  He encouraged Councillors and residents alike to comment to see how this could be achieved.


·  The draft revenue budget document does not refer to what impact local cuts would have on services the Council provides.


The chair thanked Cllr Peter John for attending the meeting and responding to questions.