Agenda item

Update on Housing Repairs Scrutiny

Cllr Gavin Edwards, chair of the Housing and Community Safety Sub-Committee, to update on the outcome of the housing repairs scrutiny review which the community council contributed to.


Cllr Gavin Edwards, chair of the Housing and Community Safety Sub-Committee, attended the meeting to update residents on the scrutiny review into the housing repairs service. Cllr Edwards had attended the community council meeting in November where he conducted a voting exercise on the repairs service. Cllr Edwards explained that the review had focused on how the performance of the service was measured.


The scrutiny subcommittee recommendations were to improve the current performance indicator system. Some of the suggestions of the committee included: developing a culture of openness and transparency between officers, councillors and tenants, repairs should be followed from start to finish with one reference number per job, performance should be measured by a satisfaction survey rather than reports by individual contractors and the collation of satisfaction results should be fundamentally changed so that satisfaction is rated as: very good, good, poor or very poor and only very good or good should be considered satisfactory.