Agenda item

Review of childhood obesity and sports provision for primary and secondary children

A report on the work of Bacons College is attached.


Draft questions for parents and carers are attached. These would be used on social media sites and / or in a survey.


Recommendations have been submitted by officers on the review for consideration and are attached.


7.1  The chair drew members attention to the questionnaire circulated and invited comment. Members requested that the questions request more information on meals that parents provide as well as asking a mix of quantitative and qualitative questions. This will be amended and circulated for comment.


7.2  Catherine McInnis, Assistant Director Leadership & Learning Support, offered to consider how the questionnaire might be used by the free school meal pilot. This was welcomed by the committee.


7.3  The recommendations submitted by officers were welcomed.







The committee agreed they would continue to pursue the above topic by:


Making a note of the recommendations submitted by officers with a view to incorporating them into the later report.


Amend and develop the draft questionnaire for parents. This will then be utilised in two ways:


1)  Distributed via social media and other networks to get the views of parents on the topic.

2)   to inform a questionnaire for parents in the free school meal pilots


Supporting documents: