Agenda item

Southwark Youth Council

Representatives from Southwark Youth Council will attend the meeting to explore how the scrutiny committee could work with the youth council. A discussion paper, prepared by the youth council, is attached.


5.1  The chair welcomed the Southwark Youth Council (SYC) delegation to the meeting. He drew members of the committee’s attention to the paper that the delegation had prepared (circulated with the papers) and invited the young people to present and officers to assist with providing information.


5.2  A member of the delegation asked if the council was still intending to deliver the Children’s and Young Peoples Plan (CYPP). Pauline Armour; Assistant Director of 05 -11 Services & Inclusion replied that the council still have the plan, however there have been some changes, particularly around schools.  Following new priorities set by the coalition government there will now be more emphasis on schools concentrating on academic achievement, and that means that other partners will need to take more of a lead on priorities such as safeguarding, employment and healthy living.


5.3  The chair suggested that the committee and Southwark Youth Council monitor the implementation of the CYPP every three months, and that members of the SYC attend the meeting and ask questions.  Members of SYC said they would welcome this.


5.4  The chair noted the idea for workshops in schools led by members of the community on social issues such as gangs. The chair suggested that this proposal be put to the cabinet lead for children’s services, Cllr Catherine McDonald, for comment.


5.5  A young person from the delegation asked how young people will know that they will not be hit the hardest by the cuts. The Assistant Director of 05 -11 Services & Inclusion replied that the cuts are very difficult, and we are all being asked to make savings, however children’s services  will not be hit harder than other areas of the council’s work. We are looking at what we can take money out of that will impact the least. Members of the delegation responded that they are sometimes unsure how serious the council is when it comes to involving young people in decision making and SYC members pointed out that sometimes feedback is not received.


5.6  Members of the delegations are asked for feedback following the visit by the cabinet lead for children’s services to their recent meeting. A range of options were put forward by the cabinet lead and SYC would very much like to know the outcome of these discussions. Committee members commented that the budget process is still ongoing; however they asked that officers present facilitate feedback to SYC, as it becomes available.


5.7  The chair also said that a letter would be written by the committee asking for feedback from the cabinet lead on the proposals put forward by SYC in the papers circulated.


5.8  A member of the scrutiny committee asked the delegation for more details on the incentives scheme to promote and encourage youth participation in the community. The youth participation project officer, Davina Bailey, noted that there is an accreditation programme and this is motivational, however other young people might want something more tangible and this would vary depending on different age groups.  Councillors Cleo Soanes and Rosie Shimell suggested that members of SYC develop some practical suggestions for an incentive scheme and offered to assist SYC in this. Members of SYC welcomed this.


5.9  A member of SYC said that one the biggest issues for young people is the high level of street crime and said that it would be very helpful to talk to a senior police officer about this .


5.10  The delegation drew attention to their request for more opportunities to promote children’s services and youth activities on Southwark Council’s website and through Southwark Life. The chair indicated this would be put to the cabinet lead for children’s services.


5.11  A member of SYC commented that young people would like more work experience opportunities.


5.12  The delegation drew attention to the promise that young people would have control of 20% of the youth budget through devolved decision making.


5.13  The chair of the committee thanked the delegation for coming. Members of the committee and SYC welcomed the opportunity to build a relationship and it was agreed that members of SYC would be invited to the meeting after next , for the item on the CYPP .





The committee and Southwark Youth Council (SYP) agreed to monitor the Children’s and Young People Plan (CYPP) together. There will be an introductory session where officers will be invited to present on the CYPP and then progress on the plan will be followed up with a regular quarterly item on the agenda. SYP will be invited to attend and monitor the plan with the committee.


SYC made four suggestions and that the committee agreed would go to the cabinet lead, Cllr Catherine McDonald, for her view on opportunities for progression:


1 Young people would like an incentives scheme to promote and encourage youth participation in the community. Youth representatives and committee members agreed to explore what this might mean practically.


2 The youth council proposed workshops in schools on social issues. This might be linked to citizenship classes and be run by, for example, ex gang members and young mothers and young fathers.


3  Representatives would like increase communication and avenues for participation and suggested the council set up a text service that would alert young people in the borough to service provision. SYC also want better publicity using, for example, the website and Southwark Life.


4 The youth council requested feedback on budget proposals following on from earlier consultation carried out by the cabinet lead, Cllr Catherine McDonald.


Supporting documents: