Agenda item

Housing Repairs

Officers from Housing will give an overview of the housing repairs service.


This includes:

  • How to report repairs (representative from Vangent, Customer Service Centre).
  • How the process should work after the repair has been reported.
  • Key policies that are used for housing repairs e.g. caring for vulnerable residents.
  • Information about the complaints procedure. 
  • Tenancy management functions (area manager, Rotherhithe Housing Office).





Daniel Rankin from Housing service repairs presented this item and spoke about the Customer Service Centre processes on how housing repairs are dealt with and what the protocol is when raising a works order for a repair request and booking an appointment for the contractor to attend.  It covers a range of responsibilities which  to assess repair requests by the contractor or the housing technical team.


The client receives a works order reference number from the service centre and a  further appointment is made if the contractor is unable to complete the repair during the first visit.


A customer feedback call is made to evaluate your opinion of the service after the  contractor states the repair job is completed, the team calls to ask for a satisfaction survey.


Daniel explained that not all the contractor recommendations would be ordered or agreed which is the reason the Council are governed by law to undertake certain repairs (Right to repair).  Some repairs could be affected by budget restrictions or have health and safety implications and major works could be considered as part of the Decent Homes programme.


You can make a claim for missed appointment through the service centre which can be done in writing, email or at the One Stop Shops.


The chair thanked the presenter for attending the meeting.