Agenda item

Public Question Time

Please submit your written questions to the Neighbourhood Coordinator or Constitutional Officer.


The following questions were submitted:


Q1: The local parking amendment on Rotherhithe Street (1011Q2009) was approved at the Rotherhithe Community Council meeting on 7 October 2010, when will the work be done?


A1: ACTION: The chair asked if this could be followed up by officers in network development, environment & housing department.


Q2: Is the community council aware that there were some changes to the Taxicard scheme which came into effect on 4 January 2011. Southwark residents and other  London Boroughs would be affected by this change?


A2: ACTION: The chair agreed to ask the relevant Greater London Assembly (GLA) member to provide any information about and feedback at the next meeting.


Q3: Gritting during the severe winter – what if any, is the strategy for spreading salt during snow /icy conditions?  I had particular concerns on Salter Road during the 10 December 2010.


A3: There are significant stock supplies of grit boxes and salt bins around the borough. The Council’s priority is to keep major roads clear, however there is not enough salt to clear all roads.


The housing officer stated the Rotherhithe housing office has a list of priority areas which get cleared of snow which is around accommodation where there are vulnerable and older adults or those live in sheltered housing.


Q4: I rang the Council and left several messages about having salt delivered to clear ice and snow on the pavements and never received a response to my request.  Also preference should be given to those that live in hilly roads that link on to the main roads.


A4: Members note the comments made.


Q5: The pathway at Surrey Docks Water Sports Centre remains closed despite the fact this was raised 6 months ago and a resolution was passed at a recent community council it is still closed.


A5: ACTION: Ask the cabinet member for culture, leisure, sport & Olympics to look into this.


Q6: A Cleaner Greener Safer project ‘ Karretts’ received funding of £40k, what progress has been made on this scheme as it was due to be completed by March 2011?


A6: ACTION: The chair said he would request the CGS officer to attend a community council meeting or provide a written response concerning this project.



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