Agenda item

Licensing - Sex Establishments Consultation

David Franklin


To introduce the consultation and process for responding.


David Franklin, Team Leader Licensing, explained that a change in legislation meant that sex establishments were now a licensed activity. He explained that the council had developed a draft policy outlining the criteria for sex establishments and that a questionnaire was available for residents to comment on the draft proposals. David was also seeking views on whether there were any locations in the area which might be suitable for such establishments.


Attendees took part in a voting exercise which sought views on the availability of suitable locations; the results are attached as an appendix to the minutes.


David took questions from the floor relating to: the financial benefits sex establishments could bring to an area and where they were situated currently. David stated that some people argued that this type of establishment created job opportunities and that there were no known establishments in the Walworth area as there was no requirement for licensing other than if they required a music and dancing license. As far as the council were aware there were currently none.