Agenda item

Lighting and Highways Report

Executive function


To agree the works to be funded from the proposed schemes in the Dulwich Community Council area.


Executive decision


In addition to this year’s £100,000 allocation for highways, there was an under spend from 2009-10 of £58,796 and in addition to this year’s £75,000 allocation for lighting there was an under spend from 2009-10 of £12,748.67. These under spends were available for the community council to allocate this year.


AGREED: that the following schemes in the Dulwich  Community Council area be undertaken with the estimated costs set out in Appendix 2 of the report:


Highways Schemes:


Village ward

£60k for surfacing works in Howletts Road and Warmington Road, this leaves £6,666 for the repair of potholes on roads which would be decided in consultation with the Village ward councillors.


East Dulwich ward

Deferred highway schemes until the next meeting.


College ward

Resurfacing works in Bowen Drive.



Lighting Schemes:


College ward

Crescent Wood Road


Village ward

Howletts Road

Warmington Road


East Dulwich ward

Friern Road

Crystal Palace Road

Dunstans Road

Barry Road

Supporting documents: