Agenda item

Health Service Provision in Southwark

An Officer from Southwark’s Health & Community Services will be present to talk about changes to the health service provision in Southwark.


Susanna White, Strategic director for health and community services spoke about the health provision in Southwark.  This includes the changes that are due to take place which is a national government led reform programme of the Primary Care Trust that would cease to exist in 2013 and is to be replaced by the GP health commissioning.


The GP health commissioning would be responsible for some of the health services like local hospitals from early as next year.


NHS Southwark has produced a Balanced Performance GP score card: which lets you know how well your local GP practice is performing in a number of key areas.  It is a performance framework which is reviewed each quarter giving patients more choice and providing more information like the patients charter and forum so people are better informed, have more of say with a much better service.


Susanna responded to questions concerning the current problems with GP Practices in that it there is no continuity of care, doctors surgeries are already oversubscribed, to ensure there is adequate cross borough working with other health organisations, e.g. Lambeth health care, having a better delivery of services and to have in place a   Patient Forum in most GP Practices across the Borough.


Susanna explained that some services at King’s College would discontinue at Dulwich Community Hospital.  As it stands long term plans at DCH is still undecided and subject to further consultation and discussion with local residents.


Further information about NHS Southwark can be viewed on the website via the link below: