Agenda item

Chair's announcements and community presentations

·  A representative from Patient Experience, NHS Southwark Primary Care Trust, will be available to respond to general health questions.


·  Information about Winter Service Plan and Winter Gritting will be available at the meeting.  Website:


·  Information about the Dog Control Order Consultation.


The following were noted:


A representative from Patient Experience, NHS Southwark Primary Care Trust was present to talk about the complaints process, concerns expressed by patients on general health issues and getting a G.P.


Information about winter gritting and consultation on the Dog Control Order were  available at the meeting.  Cllr Toby Eckersley requested a formal agenda item at the meeting on the winter gritting programme to encourage self help on grit use and grit boxes.  In addition to gritting encourage residents to band together to clear paths and pavements within their area. 


Members agreed that this should be addressed at the next meeting.



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