Agenda item

Aylesbury Update

Geri McLeary, Project Director

Update on project funding.


Charlotte Banstead, Creation Trust


Shaun Holdcroft, Area Housing Manager



Cllr Colley, Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Corporate Strategy, updated the community council on the Aylesbury regeneration following the government announcement that £181 million of PFI funding was to be withdrawn. Cllr Colley explained that the regeneration would continue and the council would explore options available without the PFI.


Cllr Colley introduced Charlotte Benstead, Director of the Creation Trust an independent charity involved in the Aylesbury estate. Charlotte explained that the trust was working closely with the housing team to deliver decent homes and that the trust would open-up its board meeting to residents in the new year.


Cllr Colley took questions from the floor relating to the transport strategy for Aylesbury and the possibility of a cross river tram, the impact of the PFI withdrawal on re-housing residents and the impact of central government budget cuts to housing on tenancy agreements. Cllr Colley explained that a major project such as a cross river tram would needed to be funded by TfL, that the re-housing was continuing but would take time and that the council would keep residents updated. She also explained that the council was awaiting confirmation from the HCA on how tenancy agreements would be affected.