Agenda item

Late Motion - King's Stairs Gardens site of importance for nature conservation (SINC) status


Report:  See paper circulated at the meeting


The guillotine having fallen, Councillors Fiona Colley and Nick Dolezal, formally moved and seconded the late motion.


The late motion was put to the vote and declared to be carried.




1.  That on 4 November 2009 council assembly agreed the submission version of the core strategy which included a new designation of King’s Stairs Gardens as a Site of Importance for Nature Conservation (SINC).  This version of the core strategy was then submitted to the planning inspector and subject to examination in public.  Following this, on 27 January 2010 council assembly agreed the submission version of the Canada Water Area Action Plan for examination by a planning inspector.


2.  That council assembly notes that the inspector's report and final version of the core strategy is still to be received and that there have been some indications that the inspector may not approve new site specific designations as being appropriate for inclusion in the core strategy.  It has been indicated that he may be decided that such designations would be more appropriately made in development plan documents (DPDs).


3.  That council assembly notes that the submission version of the Canada Water Area Action Plan (a DPD) is due to undergo examination in public in the new year after the inspector's report on the core strategy is received.


4.  That it was anticipated at the time of the submission of the Canada Water Area Action Plan that the designation of King's Stairs Gardens as a SINC would be accepted by the inspector of the core strategy.  In the eventuality of King’s Stairs Gardens not being designated as a SINC in the inspector's report, council assembly calls on the cabinet member for regeneration and corporate strategy to write to the planning inspector asking for King’s Stairs Gardens to be designated as a SINC within the Canada Water Area Action Plan and to make similar representations for the inclusion of any other new and amended site designations within the Canada Water AAP area which were agreed by council assembly in the submission version of the core strategy.


Note: This motion will be referred as a recommendation to the cabinet for consideration.

Supporting documents: