Agenda item

Late Motion - Withdrawal of private finance initiative (PFI) funding for regenerating the Aylesbury Estate


Report:  See supplemental agenda 2, pages 9-10


Following a variation in the order of business, the late motion was considered prior to the guillotine having fallen.  The meeting had heard a deputation from the Creation Trust on the Aylesbury Estate (see item 5).


Councillor Fiona Colley, seconded by Councillor Lorraine Lauder, moved the late motion.


Councillor Nick Dolezal made a point of order, stating that the Labour group would accept the late amendment with the following alteration:


  Delete all after “Aylesbury Estate”.


The mover and seconder of the late amendment, Councillors Paul Noblet and Tim McNally, were supportive of the suggested change to the late amendment.  The meeting consented to the revision to the late amendment.  Thereafter the revised late amendment was moved and seconded.


Following debate (Councillors Anood Al-Samerai, Peter John, Michael Bukola, Mark Glover, Poddy Clark, Dan Garfield and Catherine Bowman), Councillor Fiona Colley exercised her right of reply.


The revised late amendment was put to the vote and declared to be carried.


Following debate (Councillor Toby Eckersley), the substantive motion was put to the vote and declared to be carried.




1.  That council assembly notes the bitterly disappointing news that the coalition government has decided to withdrawn £181 million of private finance initiative (PFI) funding for building new homes for Aylesbury Estate residents.


2.  That council assembly notes the continued cross-party support for the regeneration of the Aylesbury Estate.


3.  That council assembly notes that the leader has written to the Prime Minister and Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government inviting them to the Aylesbury Estate to see the impact the withdrawal of funding will have.


4.  That council assembly notes that the first new homes on site 1a (formerly Red Lion Close and Little Bradenham) will be complete early in the new year and that the continued development of this site and the plans to redevelop sites 7 and 10 (Amersham and North Wolverton) are unaffected by the withdrawal of PFI funding.


5.  That council assembly is determined that the withdrawal of the PFI funding will not mean the end of the regeneration of the Aylesbury Estate, and reaffirms its commitment to work with local residents and Creation Trust to transform the area.


6.  That council assembly requests that the cabinet calls on the government to change its decision or to provide an alternative funding mechanism.


7.  That council assembly calls on the cabinet to continue to rehouse residents from sites 1b and 1c (Bradenham, Chartridge, Arlow and Chiltern) and to explore all possible alternative options for taking the regeneration of the Aylesbury forward.


Note: This motion will be referred as a recommendation to the cabinet for consideration.

Supporting documents: