Agenda item

Community Safety updates

To note the Safer Neighbourhoods teams priorities discussed at the Police ward panel meetings.


The community council noted the safer neighbourhood teams updates on community safety matters. 


The SNT representative reported that there would be some changes to the police boundaries and the Police safer neighbourhood teams might be merging.  Further information about these proposals were circulated at the meeting and people were urged to complete the questionnaire about neighbourhood policing.


The priorities for Surrey Docks ward are burglary, smart water targeting and robbery. Arrests were made and stolen property returned back to the owners.  It was mentioned that a PCSO was commended for arresting a suspect. Other priorities include targeting drug dealing and motor theft, the Police have been leafleting Surrey Quays Shopping Centre.


The SNT representative responded to questions about various scams from individuals claiming to be from a courier company.  Although no reports were given to the police, people were advised to be on their guard.  He also said anyone interested in receiving training for the speed guns or motor plate reading, a device to track down speeding motorists should contact the traffic unit at Southwark Police Station.


Further updates would be given at a future meeting.