Agenda item

Southwark Pensioners Centre

A presentation from the Southwark Pensioners Centre to talk about bringing together organisations and how they would like to work more closely with the Council to deliver innovative services in the future.


Neil White from the Southwark Pensioners Centre was present to talk about the role of the centre which was set up in 1987 and based in Camberwell, SE5.  The project works with other pensioner groups across the borough, provide administrative support, offer room hire at the centre and training courses for older people.  Many of the users are from Camberwell, Walworth, Dulwich and Peckham.


The centre offers advice on writing out wills and debt advice and publishes a monthly newsletter which many consider a valuable source of information.  The centre also offers excursion trips and monthly shopping trips and work alongside other voluntary groups.


They run an extensive range of activities a few days a week which includes a well attended dance and fitness class at the Aylesbury centre and ICT classes.  In addition look at health and wellbeing by working in conjunction with health organisations.


Neil explained that the lease on the premises runs out next year but eventually he would like to see a pensioners hub that could provide a whole raft of services for older people.  He concluded by stating that there needs to be more joined up and cross border working.  It is likely that the lease would be renewed for a further 12 months.


A few residents asked about the old Library which they said could be used as a intergenerational hub for both young and older people.  The response was once the new Library opens as part of the Canada Water regeneration the old Library would be sold, this situation remains unchanged.


The meeting were informed that Time and Talents has a ICT suite which members can attend if they are also members of the Bermondsey and Rotherhithe Partnership Board. 


The meeting were also told that the Pumphouse Museum would be looking at a memory cafe for those who suffer dementia. 


The chair thanked the presenter for attending the meeting.