Agenda item

Community Announcements

  • Dog control order consultation
  • Community Payback –Kamrun Nahar, Reducing re-offending team

To update on the community payback project and projects in the Walworth community council area.



The chair made the following community announcements:


Dog Control Consultation

The chair invited residents to complete the dog consultation document. The purpose of the consultation was to find if residents wanted the council to introduce new powers, called dog control orders (DCOs), which would allow on the spot fines of £50 for such offences borough wide.


Civic Aware Nominations

The chair explained that the awards were for nominations which demonstrate a sustained contribution or commitment by an individual, group, organisation or business for the benefit of Southwark residents and/or the interest of the Borough more generally. The chair invited residents to complete the nomination forms.


Community Payback

The chair introduced Jackie Smith from the London probation service who explained the role of community payback and how it could benefit the local community.


Police Cadets

The chair introduced PC Scott Frost who explained the role of the police cadets and invited residents to attend an open day on 18 January at the Walworth Academy from 7-9pm to learn more about the cadet service. PC Frost gave the following contact details for anyone interested in the cadet scheme.

Walworth police station – 020 7232 6111